In ArmeniaEvents

Buissup hackathons to be held in 4 cities of Armenia

Do you have an idea or are you looking for an idea that you are ready to work on, so hurry up and sign up for the first Buissup Hackathon – Buissup Hackathon 2022 Armenia Buissup Hackathon will be held simultaneously in 4 cities of Armenia on July 9-10, during which you: If you have an idea, you will be able to involve your team in the necessary specialists, if you…
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In ArmeniaEvents

AI Conf Armenia 2022

How to get involved into AI/ML As part of the AI Conf Armenia 2022 during the panel discussion on the above topic, we will discuss the gaps in the educational programs, the future of artificial intelligence education, and a number of other issues related to it. The panelists…
In ArmeniaInfra

Armenia - a new crossroad in tech industry

Armenia’s tech industry has been evolving at a quite predictable and stable pace for the last five years. And this pace might have continued or grown steadily if not for several groundbreaking historical (already historical) events we all witnessed. To understand the current situation and make some predictions about where we are going and what we will have in the future, let’s take a…
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In ArmeniaEvents

Tech Week Gyumri 2022 - large-scale tech event in Gyumri

A series of Tech Week Gyumri 2022 events will be held in Gyumri on July 2-4, which will focus the efforts of high-tech companies in one place to promote community development. One of the main goals of the event is the continuous development of the community, the creation of new teams in Gyumri, the transfer of knowledge and skills, as well as the discovery of new opportunities and…
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In ArmeniaEvents

Mapping the future - hackathon by World Bank & ISTC

The World Bank is celebrating the 30th Anniversary of its Partnership with the Republic of Armenia! As part of the celebration, the World Bank Armenia Office is organizing a “Mapping the Future” Hackathon jointly with ISTC Foundation. We are happy to announce that the…
In ArmeniaMotivation

Several job positions are opened in Armath engineering labs

Armath Laboratories is looking for conductors/coaches to manage its school laboratories in different parts of Armenia. To see the details and join the big team of Armath click here > The Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises announces the launch of the recruitment process of coaches for the Armath Engineering Laboratories. Immense dedication and willingness to work with children are…
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