In ArmeniaBusiness

Over the year, Armenia saw an increase of 19 large IT companies.

Over the past year, the number of large IT companies in Armenia has increased by 19. According to Modex, the list of the 1000 largest taxpayers in Armenia for the first quarter of 2024 included 84 IT companies, compared to 65 IT companies in the same period the previous year. Collectively, these companies contributed 20.8 billion Armenian drams in taxes to the state budget, marking a 4% increase…
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Web & CloudBusiness

Google updates you need to know from Search Ads Week 2023

Google’s ad business is one of its most significant revenue drivers. This is why, among the numerous updates the tech company revealed during Search Ads Week 2023, a relatively important one is related to the launch of its new ad transparency center. Director of product management for Ads Safety Alejandro Borgia stated, “We’re committed to protecting our users by creating a safer, more…
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How to make money with content writing?

Earning an income from the comfort of your own home is a viable option for those who possess certain skills, such as writing and translating. With the rise of the internet and the gig economy, the opportunities for freelancers and remote workers have expanded…
In WorldBusiness

5 small tech countries with great growth perspectives

Small tech countries, in contrast to giant technological countries, have many advantages – a peaceful course of life, leisured and easy-going lifestyle, great prospects for development, etc. Combining these advantages with other attractive conditions, we have studied the world’s small tech countries that have the greatest potential and provide desirable opportunities for startups…
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