In ArmeniaBusiness

Over the year, Armenia saw an increase of 19 large IT companies.

Over the past year, the number of large IT companies in Armenia has increased by 19. According to Modex, the list of the 1000 largest taxpayers in Armenia for the first quarter of 2024 included 84 IT companies, compared to 65 IT companies in the same period the previous year. Collectively, these companies contributed 20.8 billion Armenian drams in taxes to the state budget, marking a 4% increase…
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In ArmeniaStartups

Overview of successful startups in Armenia

Armenia’s startup ecosystem ranked 15th in Eastern Europe in 2023, and 51st globally (StartupBlink rankings) and it’s so promising to see Armenian startups succeed internationally. In recent years, Armenian technology has seen a significant rise despite the challenges. Every year, it’s been growing steadily by around 20%. And there are more and more tech companies and…
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In ArmeniaEvents

WCIT returns to Yerevan in 2024

It’s been announced the return of WCIT to Yerevan after its huge success in 2019. In 2024, Yerevan eagerly anticipates the return of the World Congress of Information Technologies (WCIT). Following the triumph of hosting the prestigious event in 2019, the IT sector of Armenia is geared up to showcase its innovation and excellence once more on the global stage. The World Congress on…
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