In ArmeniaStartups

Wordbook – a YouTube assistant made in Armenia

Wordbook provides a YouTube E-Learning Tool that gets captions, defines unknown words, and adds them to a dictionary. Wordbook is the all-in-one solution that will help you learn on YouTube with no distractions.

Wordbook is a newly created Armenian project developed within the framework of BuildUp Bootcamp.

On the platform, users can post their YouTube learning video link and watch educational videos on YouTube without distractions. It allows users to get explanations of unfamiliar words and terms without opening additional windows and pages.

Wordbook is on the new products launch platform Product Hunt and is trying to become the #1 product of the day.

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InTech Magazine is an international tech and innovations online magazine featuring recent industry updates, analytics and long-read stories related to hi-tech business, startups, investments and innovations.
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